Produsen AB Modul 1746-HSRV
Allen Bradley 1771-OBDS minangka modul output output DC saiki, sing dilengkapi 16 outputs. Its maximum on state voltage drop is 1.5 Volts, and its maximum off state leakage current is 0.5 mA per output.
Layar AT Tutul 2711p-t15c218s
The Allen-Bradley 2711P-T15C21D8S is a 15-inch PanelView Plus 7 standard touch terminal. Piranti lunak minangka pabrikTalk tampilan studio, edisi mesin sing versi 8.0 utawa mengko. The 2711P-T15C21D8S also has the FactoryTalk ViewPoint software that is version 2.6 software. Memori panyimpenan yaiku 512 MB RAM lan panyimpenan lan memori pangguna yaiku 80 MB kanggo aplikasi sing ora molah malih.
Modifikasi Adaptor Modul 1747-Asb
Allen-Bradley 1747-Asb minangka modul adaptor sing adoh lan adaptor sing minangka bagean saka sistem SLC 500. Nggawe hubungan komunikasi antarane scanner SLC utawa PLC lan macem-macem Modul 1746 I / O liwat remot I / O. Link I / O Remote dumadi saka piranti master siji yaiku scanner SLC utawa PLC utawa siji utawa luwih piranti budak sing adaptor. Tabel gambar slc utawa plc nemu gambar gambar i / o aku langsung saka sasis. Kanggo pemetaan gambar, ndhukung loro diskon diskret lan blok. 1747-ASB duwe dhukungan kanggo 1/2-slot, 1-slot, lan 2 slot ngatasi panggunaan gambar sing efisien. Iki dipasang ing sasis kanthi prosesor SLC 500 lan mindhai aku / o ing sasis.
25b-d024n114 minangka drive Allen-Bradley Powerflex 525 drive sing teka minangka drive 3-phase. 25b-d024N114 nampilake voltase 480 volts sing nganggo 24 amps output saiki lan nampilake kurungan jinis IP20 nema. 25b-d024N114 dilengkapi modul antarmuka standar lan nampilake ukuran d kanthi pilihan panyaring emc sing kasedhiya. The 25B-D024N114 is an easy-to-install drive that features a modular design with an embedded EtherNet/IP port and it comes with an option for the dual-port EtherNet/IP adapter that has support for the DLR functionality. The 25B-D024N114 also features the LCD human-machine interface with multiple language support. The LCD screen supports programming through a MainFree USB and the 25B-D024N114 can be configured by using connected components. The 25B-D024N114 features support for the add-on profiles for the Studio5000™ Logix Designer program allowing automatic configuration of the device through the installed program.
AT Fan Daya Supan 20-VB0099
Daya dhuwur powerflex
380-690 V